Morning pit stop Another great shot brought to you by Nataleenius Someone's got photo skills! My ride outta town! The art of making a good chew of betel :> Being all artsy fartsy after supper Mine His We met this woman on the way for a trot through a park. She spoke very good English and was so keen to tell us about her garden that she ended up inviting us to her house to try some of her fresh produce. She was just lovely. Natalie promised to send her beet seeds and other things that could add to her apparently huge garden. Hopefully it'll make her a few extra bucks at Sunday markets. Love his smile Falang is somewhat like water buffalo....... Part of Kalaw Under the cover of the morning clouds Beautifulness #1 Beautifulness #2 I don't remember what these are but I remember both of us saying something like "Whoa!!... very cool"... enough for me to stick it up here :> These little piggies went to the market R&R The newly built home Tea leaf press and dry cooker We were lucky enough to be invited to lunch by the locals as they blessed the new home as a community. It's beautiful how close everyone is, everyone helps everyone the best they can. Football with a fruit fresh avocados I wish I could shrink all these children small enough so they could fit in my pocket and I could bring them back to Canada, OR, one of you rich people looking at this blog donates lots and lots of money and we can arrange to bring them all back that way.... ps: I'm open to suggestions
Same Same Where the magic happens, ie: cooking :> Intensity!! Leeched.... on both my feet